It's About the Journey, Not the Destination
rush, rush!!! Hurry, hurry. Get it right. Don't forget. Keep
going. Be on time. Feeling: Angry. Pressured. Wistful. Envious.
Worried. Tired. Does any of this sound familiar?
about this as a sample workday: Get up with the alarm clock whether
you're still tired or not. Shower and dress. Make breakfast because
studies show that people who eat breakfast are leaner. Make lunch
because it saves money and time (can work at desk). Lay out the
complicated supplement regimen (an effort to stave off the physical
symptoms that are starting to creep up). Jump in the car for the
commute-traffic, people doing dangerous things with their cars in order
to inch ahead, tension everywhere.
Make it
to work on time---whew! Work 8 hours, work through lunch, sitting for
too many hours, trying to please your boss, trying to calm your
subordinates, trying to have decent interactions with your peers,
feeling the competition, feeling impatient, noticing deadlines. Eat
cookies someone put in the break room--feel guilty.
to the commute: On the road with a lot of grumpy, worn out, not alert
drivers. Tense, trying to make it home safely. Pick up the kids. In
the door, have one too many drinks in an effort to relax. Get dinner
on, go for a run (exercise regimen), try to make it to the community
meeting that you know is so important. Prepare kids for tomorrow. Fall
into bed. Can't sleep, too wired up. Sleeping pill.
this sound anything like your workday? So many people are living like
this now. This is why we have so much research being done and so many
articles being written on stress reduction.
bodies are actually built to react to stressors. Humans have always
faced stressors. The problem to us, physically, is when the stress is
unremitting. If we can face a stressor, go through the challenge, and
then recuperate---no problem. However, day after day like the one
described above can lead to high blood pressure, headaches, digestive
problems, chronic back pain, and worse.
how it works in your body: ...When you're faced with a major
stressor,..." "...a hormone ...signals your adrenal glands to release
the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn gets your adrenaline cranked
up (adrenaline is the fight-or-flight hormone). All of this is fine and
good for a while (the increased heart rate and blood pressure get you
away from any predator), but if the stress doesn't stop, this flood of
chemicals turns against you---compromising your immune system,
exhausting your adrenal glands, throwing your cholesterol levels out of
whack, and causing you to crave sugar and syrups that age you....And
guess what? Financial stresses and work stresses aren't onetime
muggers,...chronic stress has real potential for pummeling your
insides." (from the book YOU Being Beautiful by Roizen and Oz)
about how destructive on-going stress is to us physically and,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually, abound. So, rather than go on
about that here,---let's shift to, what can (realistically) be done about
- Small things that you enjoy; keep them around; a
collection of baseball cards that you can pull out of your desk and
peruse, daydream for a couple of minutes? Like flowers? Studies have
shown that colorful flowers boost mood and have a relaxing effect.
- Break up your tasks. If you work repetitively at one
task, forcing yourself to continue until it's finished, you will bore,
tire and overtax yourself; if you can't take a breather, at least shift
from one task to another so you have some variety in your activity.
- Try not to use food as a drug, to get relief from feeling overextended. Eat foods that you like which are also good for you.
- If you have to make a major change (such as moving or
changing to a new position at work), help yourself with the
transition: Familiarize yourself with the new location or new duties as
far in advance as possible. Give yourself some time to be sad about
what you are leaving behind. Encourage yourself to think positively
about the new home or job.
- Caffeine is not a bad thing. In fact, there are some
good things about tea and coffee (anti-oxidents, for example), but just
use it in moderation.
- Therapy can be very helpful for "venting" as one of
my clients put it, or, helping you to design a set of small changes
which can work for you as stress busters.
your job can be personally meaningful, challenging, and offer some
autonomy (all stress-lowering), great. But, if that is not your
situation, see if there is some part of your own work situation where
you can feel in control.
Every Yoga class ends with S'avasana which is resting flat out
on your back, not sleeping, but consciously relaxing and taking a time out.