It's all in the delivery!
You can say very hard things, problematic things, controversial things, to most people without stirring up rancor if your tone of voice is agreeable. If your demeanor
A side note: Some people have a habit of not listening well to others and reduce their attention to the meta massage and what they determine to be, the main point. This person scans, rather than attending to detail. In this situation, what I am proposing might play an even more significant part in the communication process.
(The meta-message refers to the general, overall message, the larger outline, the impression.)
It is an almost stunning experience when you first begin tying this; talk to your friend, or relative, or co-worker about something which you had apprehension about saying. Your calm, low-key delivery may allow the other person to receive information that you thought would not be possible.
There is a catch: You can't fake it. It's remarkable how these automatic feelers we all have will pick up insincerity. So, before you go to deliver your difficult message, you have to stop and sort yourself out. If you are going to have a peaceful tone of voice, you have to be peaceful inside yourself. Give yourself a chance at success by calming yourself, centering yourself, forming a non-aggressive presentation, and maybe even visualizing the exchange going smoothly.
A book on this subject, Difficult Conversations
Most people take in the so-called meta-message. They tune into the larger picture; they look for cues and clues as to what the speaker is trying to convey. And they react to what they sense. If your approach is amenable or low-key or even, let's just say, courteous, you have a better chance of being heard. I discovered this myself, just by trying it. And I have observed it in couples counseling and had it reported to me by individual patients again and again. So, while ideas like this can never be guaranteed, it's worth a try.
Give the gentle delivery a chance.
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