Have you noticed I've been absent?
~~~Thank you for your loyalty~~~
I do have a few posts I had written, before I got sick, which are in draft. Would you like for me to publish those?
One is about anger and self-righteousness, one is about inviting new members, one is about the members we have, one is a link to someone else's idea of how to choose a therapist, one is about how the licensing process has changed during the time I have been a therapist. Which of these would you like to read?
I won't be able to create new material for you here until my energy improves. (much as I want to). The other thing you can do is what Sebastian has been doing, making it a quest to go into the archived posts and read all of those that interest him. You can also still comment to me and to each other, on the posts (I will be reading what you write).
Above all, don't give up on me.
Getting back to my blog development is one of my primary goals!
I'd love to see some notes from you right here in the comment section.