This Blog Is About

This blog is about---You! Each and every post is about you. Use it to challenge your usual patterns, as a tool for self-discovery, to stimulate your thinking, to learn about yourself and to answer your questions about others.

Friday, June 26, 2009

This blog is about

As a psychotherapist, in full-time private practice, my thoughts are stimulated, my heart is touched, new ideas are generated; I am learning, wondering, and reflecting as a result of my days spent engaged with my patients as they talk with me about the most personal and most perplexing aspects of their lives.
Sitting in my office, the world comes in and informs me; I learn of things I would have never suspected. This part might be interesting to you, the reader.
My greatest ambition for this blog, however, is that your intuition will be triggered, your feelings may come into focus, that you will expand, grow, or think something new. I hope it will contribute to the efforts of individuals who are trying to become better at being themselves.

Note: While descriptive examples may sometimes be given, anonymity, privacy and confidentiality of my patients, past and present will always be maintained.

Other times, I will simply be discussing concepts that are evolving out of my work.

Serious and honest responses to my offerings will be welcome and appreciated.


  1. A great intention for your blog. I am excited to read more of your posts and learn what it is like to be a therapist and also more about psychology in general.

  2. <a href="
